2023/10/22 - 4th International Doctors Photo Exhibition - Golden Lens Award, Łódź, Poland

Last Sunday, the opening of the 4th International Physician Photography Exhibition "Without unnecessary words" took place, organized by the District Medical Chamber in Łódź. It was a great honor for me to receive the main prize of the Golden Lens. I would like to thank the jurors led by prof. Zbigniew Wichłacz, lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts, ZPAF for this distinction, and I congratulate the organizers on a beautiful exhibition.


I also congratulate the other winners and participants of the Exhibition, especially my colleagues participating in the PhotoArtMedica Salons - Dr. Dariusz Osiak, Dr. Jerzy Ratajski, Dr. Jakub Steller and Dr. Hanna Woźniak-Kwiatkowska.



Photos: District Medical Chamber in Łódź